Sunday, December 30, 2018

Winter Camping

A couple months ago I wondered what I could do to make this birthday special. I thought camping would be a good change of pace. A healthy dose of nature would hit the reset button and prepare me for another year. So on Friday after work I drove to the campsite where I had reserved a camper cabin. The cabin had heat and electricity. Snow had fallen but then it rained. The parking lot at William O'Brien state park was as slippery as a skating rink. I wished I had thought to bring my ice cleats. I was warm inside the cabin but, man oh man, that outhouse in the middle of the night was c.o.l.d. I sat down on the cold seat and a draft of cold air came up toward my nether regions. Jeez Louise it was cold. In the morning I tried to make coffee on the porch. The air was cold and there was a slight wind so it took a very long time to get the coffee percolating but it sure tasted good.

In the morning I had planned to hike around the area next to the Saint Croix.  I did not know they shut the road that goes under the highway. I had to park by the Interpretive Center and walk down that long and winding hill. Since the road had not been plowed it wasn't as slippery but it was still slippery.  As long as I walked in the deeper snow where my foot could get a grip I was fine.  I thought about just lying down on the road and sliding down on my winter coat but there is a big curve and I didn't want to go off the cliff or get the guard wires across my neck. The longer I hiked the more confidence I got and the faster I could go. Here is the lovely brook that forms the north boundary of the park. There is something extra beautiful about seeing open water next to a snowy bank.

Here is that giant climbing tree near the group camp site. I walked down past the amphitheater and past the boat landing and past the swimming beach and past the Riverside campgrounds. I made it back up the long and winding hill.  I had just arrived back to the cabin and was making a pb&j sandwich when Offspring #2, her friend, and her friend's dog arrived.

We left on another hike. I think I must have hiked more than six miles on Saturday. I feel so lucky to be able to do that because for many years I could not hike that far. On Sunday morning we went for another hike. I can definitely feel the medicinal benefits of being out in nature (even though it was freezing cold).

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