Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Many Truths Are Told In Saunas

Last night after work I went to the gym.  I started my workout by relaxing in the sauna. Nothing like 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees to warm up the bones and joints before I get started. I usually sit on the top seat where it is warmest and try to meditate. Last night the usual guy in black sweatpants and a hooded black sweatshirt was in there reading the paper like he always does.  In came a extremely muscled young man of about 25.  He had a tattoo of bird wings on his back.  It is very evident he works out frequently. A couple minutes later he was joined by his three friends. They take the same muscle improvement class together. They were talking about their plan for the day. Some were going to work on their biceps and others were doing squats. They all agreed that squats are a great workout because the leg muscles are so stressed the pain doesn't arrive until three days later. These three guys went to high school together. They are talking about their exercise routine and their muscle.  My attention to them ebbs and flows as I practice my meditation techniques.  I focus on my breathing and the sweat that is popping out of  my pores.  Suddenly the man with the wings on his back says, "Don't be in any hurry to have a girl move in." His friends ask him what is wrong. He is looking at his phone.  He explains that nothing is wrong.  He explains that with women, sometimes they get bored so they make up things that to argue about.  He explains that it was this way when he lived with his mother and two sister.  He would be alone in his room and the mother or sisters would come in and start trouble. He explains that now that the girlfriend has moved in he can't go to his room and shut the door because now it is "our" room. The other guys are snickering and glancing at me.  By now I have my hand over my face and I am snickering too because he is pretty funny in his explanation. He glances at me and says, "She is laughing because she knows it is true."  I stand up to leave.  "Yes," I agree, "I do know that is true. That is why I live alone!  Peace in the valley all the time for me."  They are all laughing now and they wish me a good night.  Many truths are told in saunas. Tonight was no exception.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...