Sunday, June 2, 2019


Today I realized at 11:15 a.m. that I had a party to go to at noon. Shoot! I wanted to go. I mapped the route and it said 48 minute ride and 30 miles away. Eden Prairie is a straight shot down Highway 169 from my house. I checked with a couple other family members to see if they were going. One of them was and one of them wasn't. I decided to go. But do I use my car or my motorcycle? I don't like using the motorcycle on highways but Highway 169 isn't that bad. The highest speed limit is 60 mph which is far more than my favorite speed of 40 mph but it is something I can do. I bought the bike in Hopkins and did just fine bringing it home so I thought I could do this. I put on jeans and went out to the garage. If the bike started I would take it. The bike started. I got all my gear on including yellow leather gloves, Timberland hiking boots, and a safety green vest. I set off on my journey with the directions written on paper and taped to my gas tank. The bike purred along with nary a problem. The engine hummed along like a well crafted machine. This was fun. I greeted other bikers with the left hand held out. Being on a motorcycle puts me in the cool crowd. The wind was pushing me around a little bit but I managed to stay on. I arrive safely at the bowling alley. I think I see my nephew in the parking lot but the hair isn't red enough. I get off the bike and start walking to the door. I see another nephew with a lovely lady heading to the guy on the motorcycle. This one I do recognize (although he is an identical twin so not really) so I follow them. My nephew is surprised to see me. He introduces me to his lovely lady and says they just randomly decided to come here. I said I did too. My other nephew says he did too. We all walk in to the bowling establishment together and a group yells, "SURPRISE!" The whole gang was there to welcome him back from military training. The party had free food, free open bar, free bowling and free laser tag. We all ate together and started to bowl. I haven't bowled in years. The last time I went bowling is when we planned a canoe trip and it rained so we went bowling. The bowling alley keeps score for you and also tells you how fast you throw the ball. I think I did well. I scored an even 100 which is odd because yesterday I bought food at Aldi and the bill came to an even $21. I decided to head home after the first game because I had things to do yet today. As I left one nephew came with me to fix a rear view mirror that would not stay put. The mirror kept moving inward so instead of seeing the road behind me I had a good view of my own face in the helmet which is not something I want to see when I am going 60 mph down Highway 169. I brought out my tools and he fixed it in ten seconds. I asked how I could repay him. He responded, "by not hugging me."  I laughed out loud and offered him a kiss on the lips which of course he turned down. I got back on the bike, bought gas  (only half a gallon), and found my way back on Highway 169. One the way home the wind was not as pushy. I pulled the bike into the garage glad to be home safe and sound. Some times I think I should sell this bike and some times I think I should keep it a little longer.

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Puerto Vallarta

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