Monday, April 18, 2022

Count The Ways

Joyce Maynard wrote Count The Ways, a fictional story about a woman named Eleanor. Eleanor is the only child of alcoholic, neglectful parents. When she was 16 they were killed in an auto accident while she was at boarding school. Eleanor is an artist and a writer. While in college she wrote a children's book that did very well. She wrote three more books. With that money she bought a farm in New Hampshire in 1972. That is where she met Cam, a handsome boy man (man who behaves like a boy) who sells wooden bowls made out of burls. He is attracted to Eleanor because of her success, independence, kindness, and her eagerness to please him. The book tells Eleanor's story, her marriage, her three kids, her failures and successes up to her mid 50's. I didn't always agree with Eleanor's decisions but I could understand why she did what she did. I admired Eleanor and I enjoyed this book.


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