Saturday, June 17, 2023

Her Heart For A Compass

 Sarah Ferguson is the author of Her Heart For A Compass. I didn't realize the former wife of Prince Andrew wrote books. This book is about herself and a namesake ancestor, Lady Margaret who lived when Queen Victoria was the Queen of England. The story is about Lady Margaret's refusal to do as her father bids her to do and marry an older Scottish man for the political gain of her father, the Duke. She is the eldest in her family and her father doesn't like her thwarting his authority so he punishes her by sending her out of the country. Eventually Lady Margaret realizes there is nothing she can do that will please her father and turns to works of charity instead. She establishes schools for poor children in Ireland and eventually is New York City. Sometimes she attends parties with high society types. The author says the story is based on her own life and the facts she learned about her ancestor. She has no idea if her ancestor had a fraught relationship with her father but she did organize charities for poor children. I enjoyed reading the description of the cities and countries and the clothes and the food. I also enjoyed the ever changing relationship between Lady Margaret and her parents and siblings and friends.

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