Sunday, June 25, 2023

Mushroom foray

Today I went on a 3 hour mushroom foray with about 10 others. I think I am about 35 years older than the others in the group. The youngest was 5 years old. This is a conifer mazegill or conifor polypore.

We started at noon. The temperature was 55 and it wasn't raining. This is agaricineae.

We were told, "touch this, it feels weird." We all touch the witches butter.

I can't remember what this is.

This is a mossy maze polypore.

This is a shelf fungus.

This is our view from lookout point in Hartley Nature Center. Right around here were two trees with immature chicken of the woods. The chicken of the woods should be ready to harvest in 4 days. I might come back for it.

This is agaricomycetes.

This is an oyster mushroom growing on an aspen tree. We collected that.

This is violet toothed polypore.

This yellow mushroom had gills underneath. Now rain is coming down but we are so deep in the forest not much is landing on us. My pant legs are wet though from walking through the grass. I am glad I wore pants to keep the mosquitoes from biting my legs.

Another oyster on an aspen. The five year old is wearing the yellow raincoat and making friends with all of the adults.

I found this one right on the path. Later we found 8 more on the path. This is a brown birch bolete. Only the brown tops are edible.

This is pale brittlestem mushroom.

This is a milkcap. If you squeeze it or cut it a white latex substance comes out.

This is hymenogastraceae.

This is common bonnet mushroom hiding at the base of a tree. The rain has stopped now.

This is our haul. We split the harvest. I didn't take any because I wasn't going directly home. I enjoy walking in nature with people who know what they are talking about.


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