Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Simpsons

I enjoyed the Simpsons Movie. I laughed and laughed. I laughed at the movie and I laughed because my companion was laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes. And she had seen the movie before! It's fun to go to a movie with a certifiable fan. The Simpson's movie pokes fun at President W, corporate America, television, religion, Spiderman, movies, families, Alaska, society and love. And at the same time, the movie pays homage to all these things too. The Simpsons movie even makes fun of itself. Homer asks why people would pay money to go to a theater when they can watch the same thing on TV for free. Yeah, good question. The catch for me is the character development. I like Homer. He's an a$$ but I like him. He loves Marge. He loves his children. He makes numerous poor choices but some important good choices. Even minor characters (like Moe and Milton) have good character development. I am glad I saw the Simpsons. If you are a fan, you should see it too.

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