Saturday, September 7, 2013


Have you ever been tempted to do something that you know would not be good for you?  I've got a temptation right now that I am fighting.  So far I am resisting pretty well.  What I want to do, and shouldn't do, is look at my leg.  It doesn't really sound like such a bad thing but in my case, it would be better, in fact, medically prescribed, not to look.  My right shin was still giving me trouble.  My doc gave me two options.  First option was to have debridement surgery and I would heal in 10-14 days.  Second option is to not have surgery and wait 6 to 8 more weeks for it to heal.  Since I've been dealing with this for two months now I chose the 10-14 day option.  So I had minor, outpatient surgery yesterday.  It was really no big deal.  I had propofol, the same drug Michael Jackson took to go to sleep. Unlike Michael, I feel fine today.  Well, honestly I feel a little bit altered but mostly fine.  The doc removed all the old, tarry congealed blood, removed the icky stuff, put in a drain, and sewed the hole shut.  Then he wrapped it in some kind of cotton sleeve and wrapped it in a tight ace wrap.  And he said don't peek until he unwraps it on the office on Wednesday.  I have no idea what the scar looks like and I am curious.  If I remove the wrap the sleeve covers it anyway. Besides that would give my leg a chance to swell which would not be good.  So I won't peek.  Offspring #2 is worried I will peek.  On the phone yesterday, totally off the cuff, she gave me two ideas to keep me from peeking. I am totally impressed with her quick creativity.  Make a paper chain, she said, one chain for each day.  Remove one link each day and if you peek you have to eat the rest of the paper chain.  I made a paper chain.  Her second idea is to draw a picture of what I think my leg looks like. Above is a photo of what I hope my leg looks like.  I know I will have a 3 or 4 inch incision but I really can't picture it.  I'm dying to know.  But I won't look.  As of next week, I'll be seeing it all to often I am sure.  Before the surgery I was changing my dressing every couple hours.  Not being able to see it for 5 days is a big change in routine.  I've got all kinds of extra time on my hands now.  I could quit smoking cigarettes 31 years ago. So I can keep from peeking until Wednesday.

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