Monday, May 28, 2018

Perhaps I Will Make A Good Nomad Someday

My apologies for the long dry spell on the blog here.  I have been on a very relaxing, self-indulgent vacation.  Offspring #1 said it sounded arduous but visiting 12 state parks did not feel arduous to me.  After the first day on Upper Red Lake all thoughts of blogging, emails, work, home, and worries melted away.  I spent my time watching birds, watching clouds, listening to the sounds of the forest, picking off wood ticks, swatting mosquitoes, walking down paths through snowy drifts of aspen fluff, wading in the beaches, and traveling on board walks over bogs. I slept on a yoga mat on the ground every night and felt great. I have a few blisters on my feet, several dozen lumps from gnat bites, hundreds of mosquito bites, but no poison ivy so I am happy. As I write this my tent is set up in the front yard to dry out. I washed the bird soil and the pollen off the rain tarp and it should be ready to sweep out and put away soon. I know there is a wood tick in that tent because I pulled it off my body last night sometime and put it in the tent pocket and it was not there this morning. My clothes are in the wash machine so if there are any wood ticks left on the clothes, they will be clean wood ticks. Eleven days ago I packed up everything I needed and I did a pretty good job.  I forgot an ink pen otherwise I did well.  For eleven days I have not driven a vehicle of any kind.  I have been riding in many cars but not my own. Perhaps I would make a good nomad someday.

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