Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flowers in the Yard

Here are some photos of some of the flowers in my yard. The first is my amazingly beautiful Northern Lights Azalea that is thriving in the acid rich spot north of a spruce tree. The azalea was a lovely gift from a sister.

The second is a close up of the azalea blossom - so vividly purple it doesn't even look like a real color.

The third is a red tulip that should open soon on the south side of the house.

Here is a cherry blossom being pollinated by a bee. Took a while to get this shot because the bee was busy and he kept moving before I could focus. These Nanking cherry bushes were free with my order from Gurneys.

This is a pink crab apple bud. Gee, the city prohibits amur maples because they are invasive but these crab apples are the ones that sprout up all over the yard.

Here's a forsythia blossom. The bush is over 6 feet tall but I only get blossoms on the very bottom limbs. I might have placed this bush in too much shade. I have it on the southeast corner of the lot near the compost pile and next to the path that goes down the hill.

Dandelion - east side of the house by the dryer vent.

I really don't know what these are - some wild bush that is among the first to leaf out in the spring.

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