Friday, October 29, 2010

Costume Confusion

Can you feel the excitement of Halloween in the air?  Some people in my circle are dressing up already.  One guy I work with went to a costume party.  I asked him what costume he used.  He said, “I dressed as Triple H.”  I made a comment that identified me as not only old but also a Democrat.  “Hubert Humphrey?” I asked.  Turns out Triple H is a famous wrestler.  Who knew?  The conversation got me to thinking, if someone wanted to be the illustrious HHH of Minnesota and nationwide politics, how would they dress?  I picture a brown single-breasted suit and a waving hand.  Hubert Horatio Humphrey would be a difficult one to portray on Halloween.  LBJ on the other hand would be much easier.  For him you would wear a suit, hold a long eared stuffed dog by the ears, and be prepared to show off an appendix scar.  Nixon would be easy too because you can buy a mask of his face and make peace signs with your fingers and shake your head in his distinctive way.  For Gerald Ford you could wear a gray suit, a bald cap, carry a golf club and chew gum.  Ford is difficult but not as difficult as Triple H.  If I get invited to a costume party, maybe I’ll buy a huge round hat at a second hand store and go as Bella Abzug.

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