Tuesday, May 24, 2011


On my way home tonight I saw a car pulled over on Highway 47.  I thought they were getting a ticket for a traffic violation.  The flashing lights behind the vehicle seemed a little odd; too low.  As I came up beside the car, I saw, to my surprise, a Minnesota Highway Patrol Officer on a motorcycle.  The officer was walking from the car toward the bike.  He wasn't wearing a helmet or a jacket when I saw him.  He probably took them off to do the talking.  I've never seen a Minnesota Highway Patrol before.  Twenty five years ago I knew this guy who was a CHIPS - California Highway Patrol.  The first time we met I drove four of us to a reunion party.  I was very nervous driving a officer of the law.  I soon got over that.  He wasn't any more law abiding than anyone else, may be even a little less than average.

Today I was working in the yard when I heard a first of the year bird sound for me - the red eyed vireo - also known as the preacher bird because it talks and talks and talks.  It sounds like it's asking a question and then answering it.  "One thousand one?  One thousand two.  One thousand one?  One thousand two.  One thousand one? One thousand two."

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...