Monday, December 24, 2012

Project Feederwatch Update

Downy woodpecker-2, Hairy woodpecker (the name of which makes Offspring #1 snicker every time)-2, Pileated woodpecker-2, Red bellied woodpecker-1, Dark eyed junco-4, Black capped chickadee-4, Goldfinch-6, White breasted nuthatch-2, Crow-4, Northern Cardinal-2, Common Redpoll-6  This is the first time I've seen a common redpoll in my yard ever.  When I exchanged Christmas cards with my neighbor yesterday she said she had a common redpoll.  Usually when she sees an unusual bird I see it a few days later.  The redpolls are pretty birds.  They look like their lungs are showing outside their body.

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The Winter People

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