Friday, December 7, 2012

What are those architectural features called?

Painting the farm house last fall led us to pay attention to the architectural features.  We really liked the window frames and those beams (see red arrows?) that supported the roof.  We called them gables but they're really not gables. Gables are the triangle spaces created by a roof.  Those black beams are in the gable but are not the gable.  So what are those black beams called?  I've spent hours looking up architecture vocabulary and I cannot find a word for it. I did learn this is a Queen Ann style of home.  Do any of my readers know the answer?  When driving through Duluth last weekend we saw a house on London Road with the same support beams.  It was on the "non-lake" side of London Road between Glensheen Mansion and where the scenic route splits off from Highway 61.  The sight of those beams made me curious all over again.


Kemskes said...


Cajo said...

Exposed purlins? Wikipedia sure can take you far.

Cajo said...
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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...