Sunday, December 16, 2012

Project Feederwatch Update

American Robins-21, Goldfinch - 12, House finch-2, Black capped chickadee-5, White breasted nuthatch-3, Dark eyed junco-3,Downy Woodpecker-3, Hairy Woodpecker-2, Northern flicker-2, Red bellied woodpecker-2, Pileated woodpecker-2, Blue jay-1, Cardinal-2
The birds were plentiful this weekend. I found them to be distracting me from my chores and a good game of scrabble.  The robins were especially distracting because there were so many of them flying back and forth.  For the first time I saw three downy woodpeckers.  Usually I have only two.  With three downy woodpeckers vying for the same hunk of suet there was conflict between the two males.  I've been so lucky attracting woodpeckers this season.  I can't think of any other species of woodpeckers that possibly could come to my yard.  I think the northern flicker is an especially handsome bird.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...