Friday, December 21, 2012

Very Productive On The Shortest Day Of The Year

Today is the winter solstice and the temperature was cold this morning.  Usually I find the chickens outside when I check on them before work.  But not today.  Today they were cuddled inside the coop.  But under all those feathers and legs I found 4 brown eggs and none of them were frozen.  I really didn't expect eggs. I haven't been using the light because the weather has been so warm. Once I found the chickens standing outside in the dark I assumed it was too warm in the coop.  So I unplugged the light.  Yet I am still getting eggs; as many as four in a single day.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...