Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I joined a CSA today.  CSA stands for community supported agriculture farm.  I purchased a half share which means every week for 18 weeks this summer I will get about a grocery bag's amount of fresh organic vegetables. You have to pay in advance.  See the photo?  That is a full share so I'll get about half that amount.  And depending on mother nature, I'll get more or less of some vegetables.  If collard greens do well and brussel sprouts don't do as well, I'll get lots of collard greens and few if any brussel sprouts.  I hope that doesn't happen.  I like brussel sprouts more than collard greens. Today I made a quick decision but I have been thinking about doing this since my neighbors gave me a bag of their CSA arugula that was so fresh it still rain drops on it. I know I will learn from this.  I will eat a bigger variety of vegetables and herbs.  I will adjust my menu planning because I'll be eating locally and what is in season.  I'm sure I won't be able to use it all  But with chickens, a compost pile, and coworkers who take most if not all of what is put on the break room table, I know I'll get rid of it somehow.  Every Monday my half share will be delivered to a location less than a mile from my house.  I look at this as an experiment in healthy eating.  Plus I am supporting a local organic farmer by the name of Culinary Delights Farm out of Big Lake.

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I have only been to Maplewood State Park once before. The time of the year was autumn and we thought we could snag a campsite. Wrong. Despit...