Monday, May 5, 2014

Hey Now!

This weekend I did some spring chores in the yard.  I allowed the chickens out to roam while I worked.  Either I was their protector or they were my protector because they followed me all over the property.  As I was moving their coop to a fresh spot of earth I looked up to see a large white raptor approach us and land on the bare branch of an oak tree right above our heads.  As I watched the bird spread it's wings as wide as they could go and brought it's talons forward for the landing; like an angel.  Amazeballs!  With the sun in our eyes the bird looked white.  As I looked straight up at the raptor I got dizzy as the branch moved in the wind and the white clouds blew by in the background.  We looked up at the bird and the bird looked down at us.  Wait a minute!  Hey now!  Did that bird just lick it's beak?  As I watched I figured out the bird was a very light colored red tailed hawk.  And this red tail was staring down at my chickens!  So naturally I had to protect them.  I said to the hawk, I said, "Hello!  I'm standing right here."  Hearing that the hawk thought it over and flew off circling back to the east from where it came.  Now that was an encounter to remember. 

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I have only been to Maplewood State Park once before. The time of the year was autumn and we thought we could snag a campsite. Wrong. Despit...