Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bubble Soccer

Yesterday was a beautiful summer day. I spent it at a park celebrating a graduation. Good food and hilarious conversations will result in many good memories.  The invitation said to prepare for bubble soccer.  I did.  I did prepare for bubble soccer. I watched a video of bubble soccer and prepared in two ways. I decided not to play and I made sure I couldn't change my mind by wearing a dress. I was well prepared for this new social phenomenon. Bubble soccer is interesting to watch. Players start out strong and energetic and after a couple minutes their energy wanes alarmingly fast. They run slower. Some players lose interest in the soccer ball. During breaks in the action most players rest in a forward bent position that looks very uncomfortable. The thing is, players run out of oxygen inside those bubbles.  To get air the player either has to bend forward at the waist to allow fresh air to come in around their face or bend their necks back and look up at the sky.  On the sidelines I stood in my summer dress holding glasses, wallets and other stuff*. I looked over this crazy scene and laughed until my stomach hurt. Bubble soccer is like watching aliens play gladiator. Truly, you must witness this for yourself. To know the aliens playing gladiator makes it even more fun. I had to memorize the shorts, shoes, and leg tattoos of my family to keep it straight. I saw the personality traits of my family members come out naked and unashamed. Traits like aggression, sick sense of humor, timidity, joviality, class clown, team work, determination, goal oriented, driven, slapstick, and silly were all evident. One family member prefers to spend her time inverted with her long strong legs pointed high in the sky. Without bubble soccer I never would have known that.

*Stuff I held in my bag included an item for which I do not have a permit to carry. Lucky for me I was having so much fun watching soccer I didn't have time to stress out about that.

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