Sunday, April 7, 2019

Not Every Day Goes According To Plan

Yesterday I was in a hurry to get to my mushroom class and I could not find my car keys.  I keep my keys with my wallet. I cannot leave even though I have another set of car keys. Normally I keep them in the same place but not on this day. I am walking around the house retracing my steps from Friday night for the third time.  As I walk by the kitchen table a glass bottle of extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil leaps off the top of my refrigerator and smashes itself on the counter top next to the microwave.  Extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil sprays all over the kitchen. Glass shards fly like sharp missiles between the fridge and the cabinet and as far south as the door to the deck.  I stand there in disbelief. This is the bottle of extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil that I bought back in January at the Auchan grocery store in the shopping mall in Catania, Italy. I spent three Euros on this bottle of extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil.  I wrapped the extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil in bubble wrap. I packed it in my suitcase. I brought it home on a January night when the air temperature was 33 degrees below zero. I never even got to open this bottle of extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil. Well, the bottle is open now. My mind can't accept that this just happened. I walk away.  I find my keys and leave the house knowing extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil is dripping everywhere and I have a big mess to face when I get home.  I try not to think about it. When I do get home I don't go in the kitchen right away. I research how to clean up olive oil. Turns out you need paper towels. strong dish detergent and a lot of scrubbing.  I place my Tina Turner CD on the player and turn her up very loud. I have to move the refrigerator and the stove out to clean up this mess  By the time Tina is done singing I am not finished mopping up the extra virgin, unfiltered olive oil. I still have another 15 minutes of work to do. As I move the refrigerator back into place a bottle of vitamins jumps off and hits me on my head.  The cap magically opens and 40 vitamins are strewn all over the floor. I think there are still shards of glass on the floor so I throw the vitamins out.  I apply duct tape to my slippers so the sticky part is on the outside and I step over every single part of my kitchen floor. I hope I got all the glass up. I hope I got all the extra virgin, unfiltered Sicilian olive oil up. What else can I say? Not every day goes according to plan.

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