Tuesday, February 7, 2023

LaFitte's Cove

For some reason I was up before 6 this morning. I packed and cleaned and organized. I left San Leon by 8 a.m. and was on the road to Galveston one last time. This time I went out the way I came in which means I paid a two dollar toll and rolled along Galveston peninsula. I intended to use my Starbucks gift card but I was already too far away from Galveston by 10 o'clock. I ended up paying five dollars for a paper cup of coffee. I have saved a lot of money on coffee by brewing my own in the morning so I figured I came out ahead. I could have boughten cheaper coffee but that place has a porta potty and no thank you very much. I parked on the side of the road in a fancy schmancy neighborhood and started walking.. 

I ran into a senior couple from Montreal.He had a very long lens on his camera. He asked me if that was a red tailed hawk. I said yes. He asked how I could tell. I said they talk and talk and talk non-stop. I used to have one near my house that would talk all day long. I told him about my Crested Caracara near Winnie, Texas. He said they were there yesterday and didn't see it. Today they came from Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge. I said I am going there after lunch. He asked if there could be ruddy ducks here with the blue bill. I said definitely.

He said he uploaded a picture of a bird on his computer and used his I phone to identify it with the Merlin app. I am going to have to try that.

I didn't see any snakes today. I saw Ruddy ducks, White Ibis, Tufted titmouse, Red-winged blackbirds, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Snowy Egret, Blue winged Teal, Green winged Teal, American Wigeon, Snow geese, Red head duck, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintail duck, Muscovy ducks, Mexican ducks, Mallards, Lesser Scaup, Gadwall, Fulvous Whistling duck, Cinnamon teal (extra pretty), Canvasback, and Brewer's blackbirds. I heard a Killdeer.

This is where I was supposed to park. Oh, well.

This is a great place. I walked a mile and a half.

As I went along the couple from Montreal were pulling out. Bye now, have a safe trip!


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