Sunday, February 12, 2023

Longview Neighborhood Park

This park is nearby. I thought I would hike here. They had a great playground area and wide cement paths through the forest. Lots of trees down here too. I was going to walk in the grass but I saw large dogs off leash and decided against it. I was only going to walk until 4. I do not need to get knocked over by a clumsy German Shepherd. I finally got a new battery for my watch today. The young man at Batteries Plus also has sciatica. Golly, he was funny. He said his Grandpa told him that he would regret jumping out of pick up trucks some day. He is only 32 and he does have regrets. He is in worse shape than I was at his age. I asked him, "Why did I carry a full keg of beer down the basement steps on the morning of my wedding day when I don't even drink beer?" He responds, "Because you were drunk?"  I am still laughing when I think of it. I decided to walk on the street across from the park. Homeowners had piles and piles of tree branches and tree trunks on the sidewalks.

Ooh, that smells good. Crabapple!

I first thought this was a Studebaker. My friend from Saint Cloud thought it was a Thunderbird. A friend from high school, Linda, had a Studebaker. But then I thought I read Thunderbird on the front. My brother-in-law confirmed that this is indeed an old Studebaker. Tonight for dinner I used up the last of the Romaine lettuce. I strained the herbs out of the jar I put together at the Houston Botanical Garden. With the 12 herbs, the apple cider vinegar, and the honey I can tell you it was delicious. I have a burn on my lower lip from hot coffee and ouchy momma, that hurts when the vinegar hits it. No doubt the burn will heal faster now!


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An Honest Mistake

  Today I went to the West Shores YMCA where I have been a member since last winter. After exercising on the second floor I came back down t...