Monday, January 4, 2010

Project Feederwatch Update

White breasted Nuthatch - 4, Black capped Chickadee - 5, Dark eyed Junco -3, Downy Woodpecker - 1, Pileated Woodpecker - 2, Northern Cardinal - 1

I had more nuthatches than usual this weekend. They were busy hacking away at the suet. A pileated woodpecker came on the deck while I was at the kitchen table. It landed on top of the post I have on the deck and looked in at me through the deck door. Wow, that was a little intimidating. Pileated woodpeckers look so prehistoric and large when you see them up close.

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One Puzzling Afternoon

 Emily Critchley is the author of One Puzzling Afternoon , a mystery historical fiction novel set in a small town in the British Isles. Edie...