Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Burgeoning - On My List of Favorite Words

Twice in the past 2 days I have heard the word burgeoning; once on television and once in a book I am listening to on CD. I love the word burgeoning. I like the sound of it - the hard consonants. I like the fact that I don't hear that word very often. I like the meaning of burgeoning: to set forth new growth, to grow or expand rapidly. Burgeoning is all about progress and hope to me. As I drove east on County Road 14 to my class tonight, the full moon was burgeoning in the sky even before it was dark. On another topic, I got a surprise in the mail tonight - a free book! Do you see the list of favorite books I have on the left of my blog? I use "Library Thing." Through that website I signed up to review new books. I am so excited to be chosen. I will try to do a good job. Am I a burgeoning book reviewer?

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Colored Television

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