Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gray Fox

Until a few years ago, I didn't even know we had two species of fox in Minnesota.  I had never seen a gray fox until last Thursday.  I was refilling my oriole feeder on the deck. My chickens were free ranging below the deck.  I glanced over toward my compost pile and saw a gray fox sniffing the compost.  The back of the fox was gray and the tip of it's tail was black.  I said, "Hey!  Are you a gray fox?  Beat it."  The fox looked up at me and quietly and slowly walked down the path that leads to the road.  Why it didn't bother the chickens I don't know.  Although I worry about my chickens, I was elated to see a gray fox.  My gray fox sighting was as exciting as seeing a new species of bird in the yard.  Gray fox is the only member of the dog family that can climb tree.  They prefer woodlands to prairie habitat and range in size from 8 to 14 pounds.


Dianne said...

Did your wayward chicken come home? I think it was Meredith that was off wandering. Hope she is safe.

Sue said...

No, Meredith was gone for 10 days once but I eventually got her back. She was living at a posh home on the river. Kelly left around Easter this year and has not returned.

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