Monday, June 20, 2011

New Species of Bird

My fellow bird class students and I got together at one student's home for a pot luck and to talk about birds.  Our hosts live right on Coon Creek and they had orioles, catbirds, red winged blackbirds, house wrens and red bellied woodpeckers at their feeders.  We made tentative plans to get together in the fall and go birding at Crex Meadows in Wisconsin.  We talked about the birds we had seen recently.  One older fellow said he had been looking for a midnight bed thresher.  I was sitting right beside him and did a double take and looked at him to see if he was serious.  Poker face, he did not show he was kidding.  He had to be kidding. 

PS  I've been working on something special for my blog readers all spring. I may not have it ready for the first day of summer but it should be ready soon.  Prepare to be impressed.

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