Saturday, June 28, 2014

I Will Try To Make You Wave Back!

Today I got the opportunity to be in a parade - something that hasn't happened since my Girl Scout troop put their collective foot down and said, "No more parades!"  I love being in parades.  I love waving at people.  I like making people wave back at me.  To induce a return wave I look them straight in the eye, smile broadly, and give them eye contact until they wave back.  This technique works 75% of the time.  I was working the crowd today.  I handed out leaflets and candy and I waved both arms.  My feet have blisters, both arms are tired, and my face is sore from smiling but it was a good day.

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Catoctin Mountain

  This morning Offspring #1's family and I took off for Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland. The drive was just over a half mile south, p...