Monday, June 9, 2014

New Kind Of Pasta

I tried a new recipe this weekend in my quest for taste and low carbs combined.  I bought a spiral slicer and made pasta out of zucchini.  I used 3 zucchini and spiral sliced them.  The slicer works like a pencil sharpener.  You put one end of the zucchini in there and twist it like  a pencil.  And the end of the zucchini becomes cone shaped like a sharpened pencil.  The pasta comes out the side.  Some of the slices were a yard long depending on how steady I was sharpening the zucchini.  I made a really tasty sauce because I wanted something delicious to go on a pasta that I wasn't sure I would like.  My tasty sauce involved onions, mushroom, garlic, fresh herbs and tomatoes simmering on the stove for 3 hours.  To cook the pasta I put it in a glass dish and microwaved it for 2 minutes, stirred, and microwaved it again for another minute.  And it was good!  I liked it.  I liked it as much as regular pasta. The only difference was that usually, after a meal of pasta and sauce, I feel like I would drown if I had to swim.  With zucchini pasta I felt satisfied yet still able to swim.  Some people peel the zucchini before slicing it so it looks more like pasta.  I left the peel on and it was just fine.  Some strands were darker green but they tasted the same.  I'm happy with the results.  Now, lets see, what else can I spiral slice?  Carrots?  Potatoes? 

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