Thursday, June 12, 2014

Never Let Me Go (Again)

My book club read Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.  I read this book several years ago so this was my second time.  So this time I knew the ending to this dystopian fiction and could look for clues.  This writer lets little tidbits fall inconspicuously until they all pile up into something unbelievable  For both the reader and the characters in the story, denial comes naturally.  The group had a great discussion though because this is an upsetting book to read.  We talked about cloning and stem cells.  One of the members confessed to having stem cell treatment of her non-Hodgkins lymphoma.  She received a bone marrow transplant after undergoing rigorous chemo and radiation.  With her own cells returned to her she was different.  Allergies she suffered from before were gone.  A skin condition that bothered her for years disappeared.  Her body's immune system was reset with the bone marrow transplant.  I think that is just fascinating.  Most people in our group liked the book but admitted it was a somber read.  Never Let Me Go has been made into a movie.  Kiera Knightly plays Ruth. I just can't wait to see this story on the big screen.  .

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