Sunday, June 15, 2014

Today I let the chickens roam while I moved their coop to a fresh spot and did some gardening.  I was pulling up weeds when I noticed the chickens nervously moving beneath the shelter of the bridal veil shrub.  The four hens stayed there and I kept pulling weeds.  I was about 15 feet away from the shrub when I saw the four girls loudly move toward me.  The fox stood on the other side of the shrub.  I yelled and raised my spade above my head, "Get outta here fox!"  I wanted the fox to know I was speaking to it and not any other animals around.  It turned it's white tipped tail and ran.  This is my first fox sighting since Labor Day of 2013.  I suspect they've been around but out of my sight.  I guess this fox could be feeding kits so is under much pressure to provide food for it's family.  Early summer is a busy time for animals.  I had to chase a doe and her two spotted fawns away from the garden just yesterday.  The deer weren't as intimidated by me as the fox was but I was farther away.  There is a catbird raising a family in the black spruce outside my bedroom window. It's nice to see so much life around the yard after a long, sterile winter.  I'm going to be extra careful when I let my chickens out from now on.

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