Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I visited the Kandiyohi Museum in Willmar today and saw one of the last 4 oxcarts.  These oxcarts carried supplies from St. Paul to Winnipeg from 1840 to 1870's.  The squeaking of wood on wood could be heard for 5 miles.  Some remnants of the oxcart trail ruts can still be seen on the prairie today.

I've read about these oxcarts but never thought I'd get to see a real one.

This museum had a display about how death was handled in the 1800's.  Here is a horse drawn hearse with windows so everyone could view the deceased on the way to the graveyard.

Here is the view from the conductor's seat of a stream train engine.

Lots of steam gauges inside the engine.

The Kandiyohi Museum has a lot to offer!

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