Monday, July 21, 2014

Avian Worry

Lately I have heard  sand hill cranes calling.  And I saw a pair fly low right over my car at the library Saturday morning.  Normally the cranes are silent this time of year because they don't want to draw attention to their babies.  My theory is that with all the extra rain this year wetlands turned into swamps, swamps turned into lakes, and lakes turned into bigger lakes.  I suspect some crane nests got flooded out and the nests failed.  That worried me.  Swiper the fox was back visiting my chickens at 5:25 this morning and that worries me too.  Lucky for me Swiper left with only verbal redirection from the bedroom window.  Hot, loud, emotion verbal redirection but verbal redirection nonetheless. What worries me more is Migwe. Migwe, my canary that I've had for 7 years now, has chosen not to sit on his wooden perch as often but hang out in the food dish instead.  He started doing this when I got home from a week of camping in June.  The first time I saw him do that I thought he was dead.  He wasn't dead.  I gave him lots of extra TLC but it doesn't matter, he's still hanging out in the food dish sometimes.  Yesterday was a nice day so I put his cage outside in the shade so he could get some fresh hair.  His goldfinch friends came by, one at a time, to perch on his cage and shoot the breeze.  I think he enjoyed it but when I brought him back inside he sat in the food dish again.  Does this mean he's not feeling well or has he suddenly changed his mind on what constitutes a comfortable resting place?  I don't know for sure and that is why I worry.


Unknown said...

this is off topic, but your cage photo came up during my google search for a finch cage, as I am trying to house 2 of my finches together, I was hoping u could tell me what type of cage that is please?

Unknown said...

This is a flight cage. I would be happy to give it to you! Just let me know!

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