Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Plan D

Plan A for today would have been working, but what fun is that?  Plan B was to go canoeing down the St. Croix River.  That had to be postponed due to grocery store scheduling issues.  Plan C was to visit the Jeffers petroglyphs in Comfrey, MN.  But ancient petroglyphs are not open on Tuesdays.  Most of the Minnesota State historical places are not open on Tuesdays.

The Indian Museum in Onamia was open so we went there to learn about some history.  We got inspired and are thinking we might try and collect wild rice later this summer.

After lunch I kissed a walleye.

Offspring #2 kissed a walleye too.

We found beautiful fungi at Kathio State Park.

We found a meadow of wildflowers in bloom.

Offspring #2 saved this crayfish (who seemed to be molting it's exoskeleton) by scooping it up and putting it back into Mille Lacs Lake at Father Hennepin State Park.  Good karma for her!  Plan D turned out to be a very pleasant day.

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