Saturday, July 5, 2014

Swiper. No Swiping!

  In the past week I've learned much about the fox bothering my chickens. All the neighbors are on the look out and give me information about it.  Right next to me lives a woman with grandchildren and she has named the fox Swiper.  She even has a little figurine of Swiper in her living room.  Since she is the first person to give this animal a name that is fit to say in public, I'm going along with it.  The fox's name is now Swiper even though there are probably two adult and 3 young fox hanging around.  Yesterday, after I had just cut up a tasty watermelon and was about to enjoy it, Offspring #2 spotted Swiper in the grassy area east of the chicken coop taking a fox nap in the sun.  It was sleeping in my yard!   Swiper, what audacity you have.  So I got my slingshot out.  It took me 5 minutes to get the larger BB's out of the package but the fox napped through that delay.  I went out on the deck and angrily pulled back on the slingshot.  I was a little high and to the right.  I missed Swiper by mere inches.  Swiper heard the shot and put up it's head.  The second shot was also high and to the right but enough to make Swiper stand up in alarm giving me more to aim at.  My third shot tore a hole in a leaf to the left of Swiper and Swiper took off running with the white tail tip showing.  We walked over to the spot Swiper took the nap.  What was I looking for?  A fox pillow and comforter?  A book and a pair of glasses?  All we saw was a sunny spot where the long grass had been matted down to make a soft bed for a fox nap.  Dang Swiper!  Swiper!  No swiping!

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Catoctin Mountain

  This morning Offspring #1's family and I took off for Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland. The drive was just over a half mile south, p...