So that possum I found yesterday is most likely a mole. I thought moles had hairy tails but I could be wrong. I didn't turn it over and look at it's face. I know I have moles in my yard so that is a more likely guess than possum. Anyway, summer is now half over. Today is July 16. Because I was determined to have a double fun summer to make up for last summer when I had less than the usual amount of fun, I had been feeling behind. The carburetor on my motorcycle needed repair so I didn't get as many miles on as I had hoped. That is fixed now and I am using the bike. I lost the paddle of my kayak so I didn't get as much time on the water as I had hoped. But I have another paddle now and have been out on a lake. And I've had lots of time camping this summer which has been great. But what really makes me feel like I'm enjoying summer is all the mosquito bites I've had. Last weekend alone I got at least 200 mosquito bites. I'm probably down a pint of blood. I wore a head net and I sprayed myself with insect repellant but I got bit in many places. Normally I don't react much to mosquito bites when when one limb has 30 to 40 bites on it, it itches. One mosquito bit me in the armpit. I wore long sleeves so how did that mosquito get into such a smelly place? It wasn't like I was walking around with my arms up in the air. Much as I don't like mosquito bites, they have helped me feel like I'm using my summer time wisely. I've been outside in nature. And that, for me, is what summer is all about.
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1 comment:
You have a friend who sells Avon! You should give the Bug Guard towelettes a try. My best seller at the lake. I swear by them myself.
They are on sale in Campaign 16 which is good until tomorrow for $6.99 for 8 in a bag. The towelettes are big enough that both Don and I can use just one and I can wipe both my little boys Joey and Oliver too.
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