Friday, April 7, 2017

Who Writes This Stuff?

Last week two siblings and I completed our owl survey.  The forms changed  this year slightly but at each of the ten stops I read this message: [Please remember that surveys should not be conducted under cloudy or windy conditions, or when there is persistent rain.  If such conditions manifest after a route is started, and persist for more than three points, please abort the survey and try again under better conditions.]  Who writes this stuff?  Have you ever, ever seen the words manifest and abort in the same sentence?  Have you ever seen the words manifest and abort in separate sentences?  At every owl stop that sentence kept blowing my mind but I couldn't mention it because I was supposed to be quiet and listening for owls. I read them ten times. As soon as I got back in the vehicle I forgot all about it.  I am impressed with the language used in these instructions.  I want to meet the person who uses such forceful words. If a chance to meet the author of these words manifests, I would welcome the opportunity unless things got creepy in which case I would abort the meeting and go home.

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