Sunday, April 30, 2017

Walking With A Toddler

Walking around the base with a 23 month old gives me plenty of time to stand around and wait while she explores the heavy ant traffic streaming across the sidewalk or the bird caca lying there.  I took a picture of this bird of paradise flower.

I am still waiting ten minutes later ten feet away from the first flower.  I stare up at this for a long time before I see that the flowers are shaped very much like the first flower.  Could this be a white bird of paradise?

And here we are back at the first bush again.  Her views are usually closer to the ground.  I look up at the volcano and the flowers and the trees.  She looks down at the ground.  She bends over, rests her hands on her knees, content to look as long as the ants don't start crawling up her legs.  Ants crawling up her legs is something she definitely does not like.

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