Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Eating Out!

After 18 months of eating at home or a rare take-out meal, we enjoyed some dine in meals in Alaska. We had to wear masks on the plane, on the train, and in lyft vehicles, but masks were not mandatory in restaurants. On the plane and the train we ate meals but had to reapply the mask between bites or sips. In restaurants we could leave the mask off for the entire meal. Our first meal was burritos from a truck in Anchorage. El-Green-Go's food truck is rated number one there and it was good food but expensive. On our second day in Anchorage we were aboard the train and the boat for 17 hours so we brought snacks. Snacks don't/can't replace a real meal so we had Taco Bell delivered to our VRBO at midnight. In Denali we went to the 49th State Brewery which had great food but was so loud I couldn't hear myself think. The next night we went to Prey Pub and Eatery. We should have known better because the first word was Prey so obviously they excel in carnivore food. Our meals were vegetarian but very bland. We went out for brunch at Rose's Cafe in Denali which is a family owned business and very good food. I would go there again. Even the bus boys were part of the family and they looked to be about twelve years old. In Fairbanks we went to a Mexican restaurant by our hostel tree house and that too was very good food. Meals are good in Alaska; pricey but good.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I almost forgot to mention the Crepery in downtown Fairbanks. We had visited a nature center in the morning and when our Lyft driver came to get us she said we had chosen one of her top two restaurants in town. She had delivered 3 parties there already this morning. She said the line goes fast and it did. Our crepes were delicious and the coffee was good too. The coffee was served in glass coffee cups and our crepes were wrapped in paper and served on a china plate. We ate outside at a sunny table. I had the bruschetta crepe with calamari olives, feta, blue cheese, tomatoes, red pepper and artichokes. The crepe is folded into 1/8ths and the pointy end is at the bottom of the paper. All the blue cheese was at the pointy end so my crepe was very, very savory and good until the last bite. I wish there was a crepery in Minnesota.

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