Saturday, September 4, 2021

Pop-Up Tent

When I was in Vining my cousin came across an item that looked like beige netting and some curved metal prongs. "What the heck is this?" she asked.

I knew immediately what that was. I took it from her and opened it up. The item sprung open like an umbrella. This was the centerpiece at all the meals I shared with Grandpa Frank and Grandma Gertrude. Tubs of churned butter, dishes of jam, salt and pepper shakers, and platters of  home made bread were stored under this pop up tent to keep flies off food. This is a farm house. Flies are a given in a farm house. What a treasure to find this!

I remember meals with this fly net. Grandma Gertrude sat away from us on her throne which was a kitchen stool with steps that folded out so it could be used as a step stool. Her chair was tucked between the fridge and the kitchen counter. I loved that stool. 

Grandpa Frank sat at the head of the table. On his left we sat on a bench with the kitchen sink at our back. There was a metal pail of water with a dipper in it. The metal pail was for drinking water. We hauled the drinking water in from the pump house across the back yard. We all shared the dipper when we were thirsty. The rule was to drink all the water in the dipper or pour out the excess into the sink before putting the dipper back in the pail. That way the water was clean and sanitary. On Grandpa's right we sat on a bench with the shaving sink and kitchen stove to our back. The stove was cream colored with blue accents. Logs of wood were put into the stove for cooking and baking.

Sometimes there would be six or more people seated together at this tiny, tiny, tiny table. I was a kid. I didn't feel crowded.

Grandpa Frank made me feel uncomfortable though because he would pretend his hand was a spider. Anytime I focused on my food his spider hand would come closer and closer. Sometimes the spider hand got so close it landed on me! If I looked at the spider hand, the spider hand would retreat back to Grandpa's plate. 

Grandma Gertrude would ask me, "Baker's bread or home made bread?" I wasn't used to having a choice at meals. I didn't know what to say. I suspect I alternated my answers. Now I wish I had chosen home made bread every single time.

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