Saturday, January 3, 2009

And I Saw Two

I read today that two condor fledged from their nest in December bringing the world's population of California condors to 169. Arizona has 67 condors, California has 83 and 19 reside in Mexico. This is significant because we now have more condors flying free than we have in captivity. The biggest challenge to condor survival is the lead shot used in bullets. The condors eat the dead animals that were not retrieved and die from lead poisoning. So thanks to all the hunters who use copper in their bullets instead of lead because unless we can reduce the lead poisoning, the condors may become extinct. When Offspring #2 and I toured the Grand Canyon several years ago, we saw two of these immense birds sitting on a tree branch.

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Puerto Vallarta

Today I went on a Grayline Tour of Puerto Vallarta where we visited 2 tequila factories and I had a mango margarita for lunch. Ai! Carumba! ...