Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another Successful Bird Field Trip

Today we went to the Migratory Bird Day at the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. I carpooled with some fellow birdwatchers and we arrived about 7 a.m. Among other things we saw a Great Crested Flycatcher (see photo),yellow rumped warblers, Palm warblers, and black and white warblers. Also towhee, Scarlet Tanagers, brown thrasher, trumpeter swans, sandhill cranes, pelicans, harriers, red tailed hawk, white throated sparrows, Harris sparrow, song sparrow, ring billed ducks, and eagles. We heard a Virginia Rail but could not see it. One eagle was carrying a fish so low we could see the fish wiggling in it's talons. Some people thought it was a walleye but it looked like a bullhead to me. I guess it's opening fishing for eagles and for people. I think my favorite bird of the day was the scarlet tanager. I have never seen one before. Their red color is brilliant and I really enjoyed seeing the male and female flit around each other going branch to branch. I watched them for a long time. When I got home I decided to figure out once and for all what those red capped sparrows in my yard are. I pulled in the driveway and trained my binoculars on a tiny bird in my driveway. It wasn't a sparrow at all. There, in my driveway, was a yellow rumped warbler. Wow! I felt like a Hollywood star had come to my house to visit.

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