Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Am So Popular

This morning as I read the Sunday paper, I heard a bird noise I hadn't heard in a long time.  I looked up to see a violent riot in my picture window.  Four male bluebirds were aeronotically duking it out right in front of the window.  Two of them almost hit the window in the heat of battle.  Guys.  I know my yard is popular for birds but look around - you will see four bluebird houses. One for each of them.  If the houses are too close together for comfort, find another yard to live.  I am pleased that bluebirds want to live here though.  And I like the throaty sound they make.  I also saw a couple chipping sparrows eating left over canary seed on the deck.  Their reddish caps, round bodies, and plucky attitudes are a welcome sight.  And on a drive in Roseville, I saw 4 great egrets in a slough.  One thing about keeping a bird list - it makes seeing the FOY (first of the year) birds more thrilling.

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