Saturday, April 23, 2011


Most people who know me know I am a vegetarian.  I have been avoiding meat for the past 15-20 years. I avoid meat not because it's a "greener" option (although it is), and not because I think animals have the right not be eaten.  I avoid meat not for any philosophical or moral reasons.  I think chewing muscle is gross so I don't eat meat.  I am fine if others eat meat.  I even cook meat for guests and family.   But the other night, I ate a steak in my dreams.  I think it was a flank steak.  It was flat and dry and I ate it with my bare hands by biting off chunks, chewing and swallowing.  And while I was eating this steak, I had the awareness that this was an unusual act for me.  I knew I was doing something significantly out of the ordinary but I couldn't quite put my finger on why this was different. Even though I knew this was out of character for me, I did it anyway.  The steak had no flavor, no smell, and left no residue in my mouth.  But it was chewy - chewier than the other foods I eat.  I don't remember many of my dreams and they usually don't keep coming back to my mind like this dream did.  I tried to interpret the dream.  Do I want to return to "carnivoroscity?"  I don't think so. I don't miss meat.  Do I feel deprived as a vegetarian?  Again, no, I don't think so.   Does this dream mean I an open to new experiences?  Yeah, that explanation sounds the best.  I'll go with that.

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