Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good Day For Baking

I can't ride my motorcycle.  My bird class was cancelled.  It's raining too hard to work in the garden. So it's a good day for baking lemon bars.

Ingredients: 1 C. butter, 1/2 C. powdered sugar, 1/4 tsp. salt, 2 1/4 C. flour (divided), 4 eggs, 2 C. sugar, 1/4 C. lemon juice

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Cream butter, powdered sugar and salt.  Add 2 cups of flour.  Press into 9x13 inch baking pan.  Bake for 25 minutes.  Combine eggs, sugar, 1/4 C flour, and lemon juice.  Spread on baked crust and bake an additional 30 minutes.  Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar when cool.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...