Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Like The Crust

Winter is not my favorite season.  As I walked to the mailbox to get the paper this morning and to the compost pile to drop off my weekly vegetable trimmings, I did enjoy walking on top of the crust of snow.  I love it when a hard crust forms on top of several inches of snow that is strong enough to bear my weight.  Usually you don't get to the strong crust right away.  The hard crust forms farther away from the house.  You crunch through it at first and gradually you feet don't sink as low into the white stuff until you are walking on top of the crust.  Walking on top is so much easier that sinking in.  Precarious but easy.  Just think, some people never experience walking on the snow crust.  They have no idea what it is like.  I remember once in seventh grade I walked to a Girl Scout meeting.  I took a short cut  through a field rather than staying on the road. At first I was walking on top of the crust.  Then I broke through.  My legs were bare.  I must have been wearing a dress with boots - how fashionable!  The boots went up to my ankles.  The snow crust had sharp icy edges  that hurt the skin on my legs as I broke through. But once you're more than half way across the field you may as well keep going.  I clambered over the snow bank at the edge of the road.  As I stood on the road I looked down at my bare legs.  I had a dozen tiny cuts trickling little rivers of blood all over both of my calves.  Not cool.  I dropped Girl Scouts soon after that.  Going to meetings didn't seem worth the effort anymore.  Maybe that is why I like walking on top of the crust.  I am sensible enough now to wear clothing to protect my legs from snow and ice.


Dianne said...

Right now it's so hard for me to even remember the snow.
It was 83* yesterday and we turned the air conditioner on in the house to cool the rooms for awhile. Today the high is predicted 85* and that might make our 2nd day of the shuffle tournament a bit miserable to be in the hot heat. Tomorrow is also supposed to be in the 80's and then Wed. is the shocker where the temp plummets to a high of 62*. We will all be freeze babies when that happens. I think we have adjusted to the heat but with the temps in the low 60's and a high wind is to accompany it will be *cold*.
I heard parts of MN is supposed to get temps in the 60's by Wed. It's probably the wind here that will be blowing the warmth up there. haha
Take care, I sure enjoy your blog stories! Love ya

Sue said...

You forgot snow that quickly? Somehow that gives me comfort and hope.

Puerto Vallarta

Today I went on a Grayline Tour of Puerto Vallarta where we visited 2 tequila factories and I had a mango margarita for lunch. Ai! Carumba! ...