Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Listening Skills

A sibling and I are volunteering for the third year to do a frog and toad survey route.  We got an email from the Minnesota DNR to run our route as soon as possible because the warm spring (or absense of spring) has influenced the frogs into singing early.  This means I had to set other things aside and study frog love songs.  My study paid off and today I passed the audio frog identification test.  I can tell you that chorus frogs sound like a finger running past the teeth on a comb, a green frog sounds like a loose banjo string being plucked (also like Raffi in  his song Three Green and Speckled Frogs Sat On a Speckled Log Eating the Most Delicious Bugs), a bull frog sounds like rum-rum  rum-rum, a leopard frog sounds like a long, slow snore followed by chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle, a cricket frog sounds like someone shaking a handful of marbles, a mink frog sounds like horses hooves on cobblestones, a spring peeper sounds like baby chicks peeping, and a pickeral frog sounds like a long, slow snore without any chuckles.  We plan to do the route Friday night.  Frogs=cute.  Check out this picture of Kermit.  Can you look at that picture and not smile?  Look into his soulful eyes.  Kermit; he's just jim dandy.

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