Sunday, August 3, 2014

Finally Found The Petroglyphs on the St. Croix River

After years of searching I finally found the Indian petroglyphs on the St. Croix River.  They're not easy to see.  I thought I saw a horse shape in the rock but that just turned out to be natural cracks in the rock.  I know this because as we were pausing there to admire the cliff I saw four other women in kayaks pointing at the cliff so I hurried over there. One woman was pointing out the petroglyphs.  I couldn't see them at first. I got a little frantic.  She heard it in my voice and reassured me I would find them.  I was looking for etching in the rock but they're actually maroon colored paintings on the rock.  And they're small.  We saw two hand shapes which were about the size of actual hands.  Above that was the crude image of a buffalo head with horns. A larger image to the left looks to some people like a horse head but I couldn't really see that. I was so happy to finally find them!  Plus we had a big group of almost a dozen family members enjoying a beautiful day on the St. Croix river.  By the way, the petroglyphs are on the Minnesota side of the river between Taylor's Falls and the Osceola landing.

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