Saturday, August 16, 2014


A casual question at the end of a work day led to an afternoon of fun.  "Want to ride around Lake Minnetonka tomorrow and visit Noerenburg Gardens?"  So today at noon we took off with directions taped to our gas tanks.  The directions were complicated but kept us off the busiest roads.  We traveled through Anoka, Champlin, Dayton, Maple Grove, Corcoran, Plymouth, Medina, Wayzata, Shorewood, Spring Park, Minnetonka Beach, Tonka Bay, Excelsior, Deephaven and back to Wayzata again on the way home.  We drove to the north shore of Lake Minnetonka, followed it west to the middle, cut through the middle of the lake, and headed east and north to circle the east half of the lake.  We did pretty well with the directions but we must have turned off too quickly because we never saw Noerenburg Gardens.  We were close though. The sky was cloudy and that meant cooler temperatures.  I really enjoyed the windy roads and all the shoreline.  My attention was drawn in many directions including trees, houses, boats, seagulls, cars and street signs.  I couldn't take it all in.  I was in the lead so I had to keep my mind on the directions.  My friend followed fairly closely and sometimes she shared the lane with me.  So I had to take the curves slower so that I didn't drift into her lane.  We forgot to check the mileage before we left but we guess we drove over 100 miles today.  For a time we followed a Camaro with Wisconsin plates that read "Ooh la la."   That summed up our ride today - it was Ooh la la! 

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