Monday, August 11, 2014

She Will Be Missed

I went to a funeral today of a vibrant, amazing woman.  She was kind, welcoming and somewhat of a prankster.  I always enjoyed seeing her.  When I saw her last, about 10 days ago, I asked about the bandages on her legs.  She told me about a terrible burn she got sitting around a campfire.  She was making the whole story up.  Long strips of bandages are now used by some physicians to treat edema of the legs instead of support hose.  I know when I visited her she wasn't feeling her best yet she could still dish out the BS like usual.  At her funeral they told the story of when her granddaughter's new boyfriend came to visit.  When the granddaughter went into the bedroom to change clothes, he was asked by the Mom to hide in the bathroom closet and scare the granddaughter when she came in.  Little did he know he was being set up.  While he was in there this woman, the grandmother, went into the bathroom.  She slowly poured a cup of water into the toilet.  Then she ripped off some toilet paper and flushed.  The poor guy was in the closet wondering what to do. Just imagine being him. Was that enough torture for this young fellow? Oh, no!  After that she opened the shower curtain and turned on the shower.  And finally she held a towel to her body, opened the bathroom closet door and screamed.  That poor young fellow!  This woman was so full of impish mischief that we were all sad to see her go.  As we stood outside the doors of St. Augustine's Church, listening to the church bells ring, and smelling the delicious aroma of the Country Hearth bread factory next door, we watched the white hearse slowly pull away with tears in our eyes.  Tomorrow she will be buried near Ottertail Lake. She will be missed by many. 

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