Wednesday, October 12, 2016

An Offer I Can't Refuse

A guy who works in my building approached me and asked, "Would you be interested in any wild mushrooms?  Hen of the woods?"  With no hesitation I said I would be VERY interested.  He says he has more than he can handle. Every two years this dead oak on his property sprouts up crop after crop of hen of the woods.  His freezer is full.  I am doing him a favor by taking it.  Today he brings me a grocery store paper sack full of it.  I can't wait to try it.


Dianne said...

I'm pretty sure we have that by one of our big Oak trees in our front yard at the lake. I see it often just like the picture you showed. I usually kick it off the tree and then throw it in the fire pit or trash so my dogs don't investigate it.

Sue said...

Dianne! It is delicious! I would pay you for that mushroom! It's worth $15 per pound. I made cream of mushroom soup yesterday and it was DELICIOUS!

An Honest Mistake

  Today I went to the West Shores YMCA where I have been a member since last winter. After exercising on the second floor I came back down t...